
1953 • 105 minutes
21 avis
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À propos de ce film

Tony Curtis gives a winning performance as the great Houdini, the struggling circus performer who emerged as the world's most captivating magician and escape artist. From his beginnings as a "wildman" carnival act to the internationally famous feat of escaping from a locked trunk in an ice-jammed river, Houdini effectively captures the amazing life and courage of this fascinating man. Also stars Janet Leigh.

Notes et avis

21 avis
Frank C
29 sánzá ya nsambo 2015
Tony Curtis played the greatest magician in the world Houdini
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Paul Howe
1 sánzá ya libwa 2014
Great film if i knew where to get it i would buy it
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Lillia Franco
4 sánzá ya mwambe 2022
Houdini Rate this movie
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