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How to Change the World

2015 • 110 minutos
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The revolution will not be organised.

In 1971 a group of friends sailed into a nuclear test zone. Their protest captured the world’s imagination.

Using never before seen archival footage that brings their extraordinary journey to life, HOW TO CHANGE THE WORLD is an intimate portrait about the pioneers who founded Greenpeace and defined the modern environmental movement. Idealism vs. pragmatism, principle vs. compromise, they agreed that a handful of people could change the world. They just couldn’t always agree on how to do it.

Featuring music from Pink Floyd, Leonard Cohen, Jodi Mitchell, Brigitte Bardot, Country Joe McDonald & The Fish and the Can. 2015 How to Change the World Ltd, Insight Greenpeace Doc Ltd, The British Film Insitute, British Sky Broadcasting Ltd.
Linguaxe ofensiva e Contido que pode alterar a audiencia