How to Make Money Selling Drugs

2013 • 94 minutes
302 avis
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À propos de ce film

Want to make millions in a $400 billion global industry? Find out why no one is winning the war on drugs in this provocative investigation, featuring interviews with Susan Sarandon, Russell Simmons, David Simon (creator of "The Wire"), and 50 Cent.

Notes et avis

302 avis
Un utilisateur de Google
11 octobre 2016
This is such an awesome and very accurate film. I believe that the war on drugs is a disgrace to America and needs to be ended. We as Americans need to voice our opinion and views about this issue and stand up to the government officials to stop the devastating amount of arrest on non-violent drug crimes.
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Susan Florence
29 janvier 2016
The war on drugs is no more than an excuse for incarcerating people of color and for fulfilling the voracious gluttony of for-profit prisons. There must be no war on drugs. There must be no for-profit prisons or foster care. They are insanely corrupt, racist and unbelievably cruel. The war is on people of color, the poor and children. We must have strict government regulation in these areas of people keeping people from the clutches of greed. Terrific documentary!
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Jay Love
28 juin 2013
Cops are pawns just like street dealers who both are being controlled by money that the Cartel Drug Lords controll, they are living the American dream.
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