Hulk Vs

2008 • 82 minút
19 recenzií
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Tento film

Marvel Animated Features premieres two all new action packed features together on one release. HULK VS. WOLVERINE: The Incredible Hulk has been tearing a line across the Canadian countryside, leaving a swathe of destruction in his wake. He must be stopped at all costs, and there's only one man up to the job. He's the best there is at what he does, but what he does isn't very nice. He's Wolverine. HULK VS. THOR: With the forces protecting Asgard at their weakest, Loki the trickster seizes the opportunity to destroy his cursed stepbrother, Thor, once and for all. In an epic battle that pits god against monster, the Mighty Thor is forced to clash with the only creature that has ever been able to match his strength—the Incredible Hulk!

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19 recenzií