Human Traces

2017 • 86 minút
4 recenzie
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Tento film

Soon after the arrival of a mysterious young man, contact with the outside world is cut off for Glenn and Sarah, a husband and wife scientist team, trying to return a desolate island in the Southern Ocean, 1000 kilometres from human life, to its natural state. The new caretaker for the island causes upheaval in their marriage, and when Sarah discovers she is pregnant, and that they’re trapped on the island with no contact to the outside world, desperation kicks in with the pitiless winter coming ever closer.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

4 recenzie
B Shannon
2. apríla 2018
At times reminded me of the greatly superior 1995 Norwegian classic Zero Kelvin. Excellent locations, direction, cinematography, acting. Well worth a watch.
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Clay Epstein
8. marca 2018
I really enjoyed the film. It's a suspenseful thriller with a good twist at the end. I was entertained.
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