To Kapitola 2 (IT Chapter Two)

2019 • 169 minút
1,43 tis. recenzií
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Tento film

Protože zlo navštěvuje město Derry ve státě Maine každých 27 let, film „To Kapitola 2“ přivádí téměř po 30 letech po událostech z 1. filmu zpět jeho postavy. Ty se na dlouhou dobu rozešli, ale nyní se vrací již jako dospělé.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

1,43 tis. recenzií
Cody Pomeroy
1. januára 2021
This movie is really awful compare to the first IT movie which is really good except for the ending scene. I rented a REDBOX DVD to watch this four long hours godawful movie. This movie is very predictable and not scary at all. It doesn't make sense for the clown to go after them since they're all the adults. I had to watched all characters who had to face their fear to re-conquer their fear which is very tedious and too predictable because I already saw at the first IT movie. I rated 1/5 stars.
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Baby Fett
24. novembra 2019
IT Chapter 2 is the weaker of both IT movie sets. This one however, was much, much worse than the original. What's mind blowing is that the cast and acting was phenomenal, but the writing was just awful. Everything had this weird format, like radiant video quests. The heavy handed, over use of special effects made it comical rather than scary, and the end, my god, I laughed so hard at the end, it was just *ridiculous.* Oh, and the beginning 5 minutes left such a bad taste in my mouth that I regretted buying the ticket before we ever saw any of the main cast.
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First name
18. septembra 2019
(Some Spoilers)This movie relys too much on jump scares to scare the audience and is inconsistent with the plot created in the first movie. For example, it is said that IT only targets kids and only makes them float but he only kills in this movie and even kills adults self evident in the first scene. If you want to change IT at least give an explanation. Other than that the acting was good but the death of IT was kinda lackluster.
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