I Am Greta

2020年 • 97 分鐘
23 則評論


The story of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg is told through compelling, never-before-seen footage in this intimate documentary from Swedish director Nathan Grossman. Starting with her one-person school strike for climate action outside the Swedish Parliament, Grossman follows Greta - a shy schoolgirl with Asperger's – in her rise to prominence, and her galvanizing global impact as she sparks school strikes around the world. The film culminates with her astonishing wind-powered voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to speak at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York City.


23 則評論
Jedi 21
She's a silly little girl who probably watches TV. Uses all electrical devices at home and talks about climate change. She should live a forest and be one with nature. Go set example Greta and go survive in the wilderness before talking about climate change. You shouldn't even have a phone or a warm home to live in. Go and get some fire wood and hunt for food to eat. Wash yourself in cold water by the lake and have no technology devices.
7 人認為這篇評論有用
Kitti Solyom
It's not gonna help the World if a young girl drops out of school to become an Activist..setting an example for today's young generation that it's okay to leave your studies to follow your dreams!In my opinion, she could be of more use for climate change & preserving the environment by completing higher education in sustainable energy/development etc. and make her contribution that way or simply join GREENPEACE.She is coming from a family who own a yacht which she thoroughly enjoys..HYPOCRISY...
4 人認為這篇評論有用
Daniel Cunningham
Maybe she wants to be taught how to be self sufficient at school, being able to live off the land at home, collecting water to flush your toilet, plant an apple tree, own a chicken and buy a greenhouse, hell! Use a flannel to wipe your arse, if you don't try atlest one of these, you need to stfu
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