I Am Not a Serial Killer

2016年 • 103分
67 件のレビュー


Sixteen-year-old John Wayne Cleaver (Max Records, Where the Wild Things Are) is not a serial killer -- but he has all the makings of one. Keeping his homicidal tendencies and morbid obsessions with death and murder in check is a constant struggle that only gets harder when a real serial killer begins terrorizing his sleepy Midwestern town. Now, in order to track down a psychopath and protect those around him, John must unleash his darkest inner demons. Based on the cult novel by Dan Wells, this twisted, genre-bending thriller co-stars Christopher Lloyd and Breaking Bad's Laura Fraser.


67 件のレビュー
I loved it. I loved the books, and was really excited for this movie. It did not let me down. A few considerations for anyone thinking of seeing this movie: 1) It's paced very slowly, so do not go in expecting a lot of action or fast paced plot. 2) It differs from the book in a few ways that were necessary for adapting to film, but the author was satisfied with their treatment of his work, and I was too. All-in-all an excellent and unique horror film.
Ariel Thorson
The movie struck a perfect balance between heart, suspense, horror, and--to a lesser extent--humor. Book adaptations are difficult to do well, much less those which draw from multiple genres and which involve more supernatural/sci-fi elements, but Billy O'Brien did a terrific job. Max Records gave a nuanced performance. He made the narrator feel real, and he perfectly communicated the internal struggles that John Cleaver faced as a sociopathic teen. The pacing was perfect, and there wasn't an excessive amount of gore. Overall, the movie did the book justice, and it has become a personal favorite of mine.
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Loki Leigh
Extremely good film version of an incredible novel. Max Records does an incredible job at portraying John's struggle and Christopher Lloyd knocks it out of the park with this. There are a few things that I missed from the novel, but I understand that some bits had to be cut due to time and budget restrictions. I would be thrilled if they decided to make the sequels to this into films, as well.
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