I Confess

1953 • 94 minút
17 recenzií
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Vo vašom jazyku nie sú k dispozícii zvuk ani titulky. Zvuk je dostupný v jazykoch Angličtina.

Tento film

Otto Kellar and his wife Alma work as caretaker and housekeeper at a Catholic church in Quebec. Whilst robbing a house where he sometimes works as a gardener, Otto is caught and kills the owner. Racked with guilt he heads back to the church where Father Michael Logan is working late. Otto confesses his crime, but when the police begin to suspect Father Logan he cannot reveal what he has been told in the confession. 1953 A Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved
CBFC Rating U.Cert No. 35075

Hodnotenia a recenzie

17 recenzií
ME-06-Ahiri Saha
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a must watch.
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