I Kill Giants

2018 • 106 minutu
20 iritzi
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Film honi buruz

Barbara Thorson (Madison Wolfe) is a teenage girl who chooses to escape the realities of school and a drab family life by retreating into her magical world of Titans and Giants. With the help of her new friend Sophia (Sydney Wade) and her school therapist (Zoe Saldana), Barbara will learn to battle her Giants and face her fears - tackling the mean bullies at school, her sister (Imogen Poots) and her difficult home life and eventually her biggest dread of the unknown. I Kill Giants, an adaptation of Joe Kelly and Ken Niimura's Man of Action/Image Comics internationally acclaimed graphic novel, is directed by Academy Award-winning director Anders Walter. 2017 I Kill Giants Films Limited.

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20 iritzi
Ihsan Jessop “Hasss man”
2021(e)ko ekainaren 13(a)
Bruh the end basicly says it was a dream and there was straight up no fighting AND A GIANT COMMITTED SUICIDE do not recommend if u like action movies
Tahj Walters
2018(e)ko abuztuaren 7(a)
Pretty lit. I recommend this movie to anyone who is under the age of about 12. To a younger person I believe they may find the movie moving and inspiring. Good movie, should watch😂😃😄
Daniel Morgan
2018(e)ko uztailaren 29(a)
Before you watch this it isn't a sci-fi movie about a chick with powers fighting giants. T
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