I'll Be Home for Christmas

1998 • 86 minút
172 recenzií
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Tento film

In the spirit of the season, this hilarious comedy adventure celebrates the
believer in all of us. Jake Wilkinson (Jonathan Taylor Thomas), a self-centered college
student, has one thing on his mind -- get home for Christmas dinner or forfeit the vintage
Porsche his father promised him. Just days before his deadline, Jake awakens in the California
desert -- stranded and penniless, wearing a Santa suit and white beard! Desperate to claim his
gift, he flies, crawls, cons, races, bullies, and even sleighs his way east. But his nonstop
mission turns into a nonstop comedy of errors as a multitude of colorful and offbeat strangers
look to "Santa" for help and kindness. The closer Jake gets to home, the
closer he gets to the true meaning of Christmas and the importance of family. I'LL BE
HOME FOR CHRISTMAS is a trip your entire family will enjoy taking all year long!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

172 recenzií
Rich Peterson
28. augusta 2016
Jake Wilkenson was trying to get home for Christmas dinner but was up delayed when other kids at his school put him in a Santa Claus suit that he could not get out of. Then the cross country journey became a wild adventure. Jake is played by Johnathan Taylor Thomas his his girlfriend Allie is played by Jessica Biel. They make a cute couple.
12 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
Bolo to užitočné?
18. decembra 2021
Very underrated Christmas classic, wholesome, funny and heartwarming. Jonathan Taylor Thomas, need we say more lol
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Handyman Jason
23. decembra 2017
Everything that could go wrong for this college kid did... Love the plot love the clean humor! Holiday favorite!
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