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2018 • 91 minutit
15 arvustust
Vaadake veebibrauseris või toetatud seadmetes. Lisateave
Heli ega subtiitrid ei ole teie keeles saadaval. Subtiitrid on saadaval järgmistes keeltes: inglise.

Teave selle filmi kohta

Paul (Paul Rudd) and celebrity chef Erasmus (Steve Coogan) live an extravagant, self-indulgent life. When the grandson they never knew existed crashes their fancy dinner party, their lives are turned upside-down.

Hinnangud ja arvustused

15 arvustust
25. jaanuar 2019
I laughed my whole way through this move, I think it's absolutely perfect and I loved it so much that I just had to buy it! Completely missing the reasoning behind the not so great reviews its been getting, I think its wonderful. If you're looking for a hilarious movie to watch I definitely recommend this.
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Sam Galloway
26. september 2019
I like seeing gay dads. I would like for them to be better dads than they are, especially since there's already a lot out there saying dads suck, and that gay people shouldn't be parents, but I still think this is a good movie and it's funny. Also, Paul Rudd looks pretty damn good with a beard.
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michael a
15. juuli 2018
Great movie, Steve and Paul knocked it out of the park. Kept it light, could have gone dark.
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