Igby Goes Down

2002 • 98 минут
9 шүүмж
Веб хөтөч эсвэл дэмждэг төхөөрөмж дээр үзнэ үү Нэмэлт мэдээлэл авах
Таны хэлээр ямар ч аудио, хадмал алга. Хадмал англи, герман, испани, испани (Латин Америк), португал (Бразил), португал (Португал), франц хэлээр боломжтой байна.

Энэ киноны тухай

Igby Slocumb, a rebellious and sarcastic seventeen-year-old boy, is at war with the stifling world of 'old money' privilege he was born into. With a schizophrenic father, a self-absorbed, distant mother, and a shark-like Young Republican big brother, Igby figures there must be a better life out there -- and sets about finding it. Happily flunking out of yet another prep school, Igby is sent off to a military academy in the dreaded Midwest. With the aid of his mother's pilfered credit card, he goes on the lam. His darkly comedic voyage eventually lands him in New York, where he hids out at.

Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

9 шүүмж
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