Image of the Beast

1981 • 93 de minute
2 recenzii
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Despre acest film

Part three of the classic Mark IV Pictures prophecy drama series. The story continues into the Trumpet Judgments, featuring the victory of believing in Jesus and the effects of spiritual blindness. This third film in the series depicts the awesome story of the mid-years of the Great Tribulation foretold in biblical prophecy. The anti-Christ establishes a one-world government, while a small band of fugitives struggle to survive amid spectacular and terrifying judgements.

Evaluări și recenzii

2 recenzii
Shirley Tinkham
19 mai 2020
This is one of my favorite movies about the tribulation proud..( what people left behind go through) a remarkable movie..and also great for soul winning...this is the 3rd movie in the set.. A+
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