Brandon De Vera
At this point from the first two pages I'm even more split as people use this movie to get on there soap box about. BLM vs other prejudice groups pushing there agendas and furthering the divide. Or other agreements in general that are solely political rants about the election and not of the actual movie or it's content very few comments are about the movie or it's actors or it's story. 3/5 would not review review again without better details.
38 people found this review helpful

Barbara Greer
This was a very good look at domestic terrorism, how easy it is to get caught up in something, how believable to the right person it can be. The acting was great all around. Daniel Radcliffe was very believable in his role, making me want to panic along with his character during certain moments, wondering how he was going to talk his way out of the situation. I definitely recommend this movie. Just don't expect there to be a lot of action as this is more of an intellectual thriller than action thriller, though it does have its moments of action as well.
23 people found this review helpful

Nicholas Brickhouse
Everyone thinks of Muslims as terrorist but white supremacists are the bulk of domestic terrorist in the US. It's time a movie actually highlights this fact, especially when Trump is making racism acceptable again. There's nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage but when you think your heritage is superior and you advocate the murder of other races then you've gone beyond pride and entered fascism which isn't okay.
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