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In The Name of the Father

1993 • 133 минуты
70 отзывов
R (до 17 лет только со взрослыми)
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Информация о фильме

Nominated for seven Oscars in 1993, this biopic features the dramatic prowess of Daniel Day-Lewis as the Irishman Gerry Conlon, who was wrongfully sentenced to life in prison for an IRA terrorist attack that killed four people. As if a forced confession weren't enough injustice, the police work to implicate Conlon's father (Pete Postlethwaite) in the same crime. Emma Thompson plays the lawyer who worked for years to uncover the truth.
Возрастные ограничения
R (до 17 лет только со взрослыми)

Оценки и отзывы

70 отзывов
Wanda's Weekend
29 декабря 2020 г.
Really really nice film, I think what's so impactful isn't Day-Lewis' performance, rather that this actually happened to normal people, I feel like it's done perfectly, and I've never liked Emma Thompson more, anyone remember that great score by Sinead O'Connor ? Anyway I'm off to see the rest of Jim Sheridan's films and I'm starting with My Left Foot.
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22 октября 2016 г.
Drama de la vida real enla epoca de la persecucion a los catolicos rebeldes de Irlanda.Maravillosa pelicula cuando un hijo conoce el caracter,el teson de su padre cuando ambos estan en la carcel .Deben verla jovenes que no valoran y no ven los esfuerzos que realiza un padre para darle yviva en una sociedad mas justa.
16 человек отметили этот отзыв как полезный.
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jose manuel ascencao abreu
6 мая 2020 г.
La Vi hace años!!varias veces,no me cansaría de verla de nuevo!el actor genial
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