Richard Criddle
It won't win any prizes for originality but if you enjoy creature features and good old fashioned practical effects then this us a movie for you. It's a bit like the "THE THING ", at sea.
Hunter of The Shadows
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It's not the worst or bad, and credit when credit is due using old school effects than being 100% CGI B-MOVIE RUBBISH, but the film was in homage to Aliens, The Thing, but Deep Star Six better.
Elwyn Roberts
Legendary special effects artists Tom Woodruff, Jr and Alec Gillis have created an hugely underrated body horror masterpiece. Their effects company ADI's incredible efforts making The Thing (2011) were hamstrung and so here they're allowed to go all out. Lots of gore, good characters, scripting and amazing creature design that can proudly stand shoulder to shoulder with those created by Rob Bottin and Stan Winston in The Thing (1982).