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Independence Day

1996 • 144 daqiqa
1,91 ming ta sharh
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Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: arab, chex, dan, estoncha, fincha, fransuzcha, grek, indonez, inglizcha, ispancha (Lotin Amerikasi), kanton (Gonkong), latishcha, litva, nemischa, niderland, norveg, polyakcha, portugalcha, rumincha, ruscha, shved, slovakcha, slovencha, tay, turk, venger, vyetnam, xitoy (Gonkong) va xitoy (anʼanaviy).

Bu film haqida

On July 2nd, communications systems worldwide are sent into chaos by a strange atmospheric interference. First thought to be meteors, they are later revealed to be gigantic spacecraft, piloted by a mysterious alien species who have set out to launch an attack throughout the globe. On July 3rd, the aliens all but obliterate New York, Los Angeles, and Washington when a band of survivors devise a plan to fight back against the enslaving aliens. On July 4th, humanity fights for its freedom.

Reytinglar va sharhlar

1,91 ming ta sharh
Dominique Charriere
28-iyun, 2015
It is brainless, it is ridiculous, it has tons of moments when you think "this can't mathematically or physically happen in the real world", it has Will Smith (so bad actor) but it is fun. Good when you want to shut down your brain for a few hours...
787 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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S “Retired Sinful” Selandono
24-aprel, 2016
Bought it less than US$1. It was stated as HD quality movie but to my dismay the visual was blotchy. I guess it was supposed to be viewed on a 4 inch screen. The story and plot were somewhat nothing to write home about it.
230 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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Darshan Jain Goburdhone
30-oktabr, 2014
Very good movie. Good story, good acting also good visual effects but movies such titanic,which was released in that year has far better visual effects but still an AMAZING movie
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