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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

1984 • 118 минут
772 шүүмж
Үнэлгээ болон шүүмжийг баталгаажуулаагүй  Нэмэлт мэдээлэл авах
Таны хэлээр ямар ч аудио, хадмал алга. Хадмал англи, герман, грек, дани, индонези, испани (Латин Америк), итали, мажар, малай, нидерланд, норвег, орос, польш, португал (Бразил), словак, словени, тай, турк, фин, франц, хятад (Хонг Конг), хятад (уламжлалт), хятад (хялбаршуулсан), чех, швед хэлээр боломжтой байна.

Энэ киноны тухай

The second of the George Lucas/Steven Spielberg Indiana Jones epics is set a year or so before the events in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1984). After a brief brouhaha involving a precious vial and a wild ride down a raging Himalyan river, Indy (Harrison Ford) gets down to the problem at hand: retrieving a precious gem and several kidnapped young boys on behalf of a remote East Indian village. His companions this time around include a dimbulbed, easily frightened nightclub chanteuse (Kate Capshaw), and a feisty 12-year-old kid named Short Round (Quan Ke Huy). Throughout, the plot takes second place to the thrills, which include a harrowing rollercoaster ride in an abandoned mineshaft and Indy's rescue of the heroine from a ritual sacrifice. There are also a couple of cute references to Raiders of the Lost Ark, notably a funny variation of Indy's shooting of the Sherpa warrior.

Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

772 шүүмж
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adrian alejandro rudi
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Y si hay que pagar . Esperaré a que un domingo el cable lo ponga en la TV . Cómo asé siempre ... Películas repetidas . Saludos ya dejo de ser películas gratis . Besos en las nalgas 😘
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2015 оны арван нэгдүгээр сарын 25
Es porque son como buena actitud como como we la novia de Indiana Jones Indiana Jones en niños ese juego sólo tengo partes muy wena se juega pero pero está loca pero inventé inventé una injecion nuevo Vení y disfruta Qué es 9 0 3 50 421
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