Catharina Åberg
- Märgi sobimatuks
- Kuva arvustuse ajalugu
Rented this, because of mixed reviews and wanted to make my own judgment. Well, what can I say? I have seen better movies. Inspector Gadget had a few OK jokes, but nothing that would make me laugh a second time. Isn't the passing gas gag a bit juvenile? In either case, funny it is not. I have seen Broderick in several movies over the years, some of them I really enjoy (Ladyhawke, to name one), but I think this is the one where I don't like his acting. I did appreciate seeing Trachtenberg in something that is not related to the Buffy fandom, but that was pretty much it. Tis a pity she didn't get more screen-time. Re-watch value? Nothing more than a 2, and hardly worth even that.