
2014 • 168 minút
3 recenzie
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Tento film

Our destiny lies above us. From Inception's "architecture of the mind" to the furthest reaches of our scientific understanding, Academy Award®-nominated filmmaker Christopher Nolan takes us on another epic science fiction journey with INTERSTELLAR. Based on scientific theories of CalTech physicist Kip Thorne, Nolan's deep space opus depicts a heroic interstellar voyage to the very edge of the universe. Recent Oscar® winners Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club, The Wolf of Wall Street) and Anne Hathaway (Les Miserables, The Dark Knight Rises) join an acclaimed crew including Oscar® nominee Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty) and Oscar veterans Ellen Burstyn and Michael Caine as members of an interspace exploratory team that overcome the impossible by traveling through a newly discovered wormhole, surpassing the limits of human space travel and emerging in another dimension entirely.

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3 recenzie