Into the Storm

2014 • 89 minut
177 mnenj
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O tem filmu

In the span of a single day, the town of Silverton is ravaged by an unprecedented onslaught of tornadoes. The entire town is at the mercy of the erratic and deadly cyclones, even as storm trackers predict the worst is yet to come. Most people seek shelter, while others run towards the vortex, testing how far a storm chaser will go for that once-in-a-lifetime shot. 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

Ocene in mnenja

177 mnenj
20. oktober 2017
Into The Storm has all the hallmarks of a cheaply made thriller. The movie spends way too much time spoon feeding the audience unecessary details, who then need to endure characters who can't stop making bad decisions. Thoroughly cliche right from the opening scene. Not recommended.
Michelle Berryman
18. marec 2015
Basic script overly predictable bad acting . Could have been so much more but to my disappointment wasn't. Glossed over all good story lines oh and I hate that first person filming thought that was done with after Blair witch! I'm thinking the budget was blown on special effects!
Tanuki Trooper
7. marec 2015
The characters were cliché, the actors couldn't act, the concept ridiculous and to top it all off it's a found footage film (and not a good one at that). Blech! Watch Twister instead. It's far superior in every way possible.