Into the Woods

2014 • 119 minutu
658 iritzi
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Film honi buruz

From the director of Chicago and the producer of Wicked comes a modern twist on the beloved fairy tales you thought you knew. Meryl Streep stars in this epic musical saga about daring to venture Into the Woods. Iconic characters, such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk and Rapunzel, find their fates intertwined with a humble baker and his wife, whose longing to have a child sends them on a quest to reverse a witch's (Streep) curse. With an all-star cast, this spellbinding adventure is everything you could ever wish for! (Original Title - Into the Woods) 2014 Disney Enterprises, Inc.

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658 iritzi
Chris rainford
2015(e)ko abuztuaren 10(a)
Despite the trailer being fairly misleading, manipulating you, almost, to make you think it was action rather than musical. It isn't a pink, girly sing - along musical, it is rather a deep, engrossing musical with all humour and horror included. It has its bad moments, as every film, but don't think for one second that I wouldn't watch it again. The songs are very catchy, and I had my little sister reciting Little Red Riding Hoods songs, ( she was her favourite )! My whole family did not expect Johny Depp to appear in this film- it surprised us all! He was very good, and I didn't know he could sing! Every plays there roles, and pitch to perfection. I love it, and I'm sure a family who wants to spend an hour or two family time will love this movie! But beware, the ending was quite heartbreaking, and I would recommend having youngsters ready for cuddles and reassuring hugs for the end, (my little sister was in tears St the end)....
19 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
James Streeter
2016(e)ko apirilaren 30(a)
It's horrible but you can't look away. Meryl Streep hamming it up, Johnny Depp appears and sings to Little Red Riding Hood in one of the most disturbing moments in movie history. You'll know when you see it. James Corden is good but that's it. Boring to horrifying to boring over and over, don't waste your money unless you are masochistically curious. The singing goes on forever and starts for no reason far too often. The songs are rubbish. Avoid.
11 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
Paul Ashfield
2015(e)ko maiatzaren 8(a)
I saw this at the cinema the music was just awful the singing was dreadful and the plot nonexistent. It's just a very long boring pantomime without anyone shouting "it's behind you". Not sure what message it was trying to get over to me and by the end I didn't care. Don't watch this film unless you want to be bored senseless.
6 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia