It Came from Outer Space

1953 • 80 minút
9 recenzií
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Tento film

Amateur astronomer John Putnam (Richard Carlson) and his fiancée Ellen Fields (Barbara Rush) are stargazing in the desert when a spaceship bursts from the sky and crashes to the ground. Just before a landslide buries the ship, a mysterious creature emerges and disappears into the darkness. Of course, when he tells his story to the sheriff (Charles Drake), John is branded a crackpot; but before long, strange things begin to happen, and the tide of disbelief turns...Based on a story by acclaimed writer Ray Bradbury, "It Came From Outer Space" is a science fiction classic that is as thought-provoking and tantalizing today as it was when it first "landed" on the sliver screen.

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9 recenzií