It's Not Yet Dark

2017 • 80 minút
3 recenzie
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Tento film

Narrated by Colin Farrell, this is the incredible story of Simon Fitzmaurice, a young Irish filmmaker who, despite a diagnosis of Motor Neuron Disease, goes on to direct an award-winning feature film solely through the use of his eyes. The documentary is a celebration of Simon’s love of film, of creating art and of telling beautiful human stories no matter the obstacle. His artistic supporter, Colin Farrell, beautifully narrates this life-affirming story which is based on Simon’s book also titled It’s Not Yet Dark.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

3 recenzie
Richard Richard
11. septembra 2017
Bolo to užitočné?
Angel L
30. septembra 2017
Truly amazing and powerfully inspiring movie!
Bolo to užitočné?

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