
2016 • 100 minutes
626 avis
Interdit aux mineurs
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À propos de ce film

Natalie Portman stars in this powerfully stirring drama as First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, whose faith and strength see her through the death of President John F. Kennedy.
Interdit aux mineurs

Notes et avis

626 avis
Karen Seaton
4 sánzá ya motóbá 2017
I am so glad I didn't go to the movie theater to see this film. The actress, Miss Portman and the subject matter could have given the public what it's always wanted regarding the inner most private emotions of what Mrs Jackie Kennedy held herself and her children together while being politically correct in her every move. ....The musical scoring, placement and the uneven levels, warrants mass boycotts and forewarning to the public in an effort to preserve the myth that's Camelot and Kennedy.
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Alexander Rolsen
15 sánzá ya mísáto 2017
When history is still at a standstill of the events to venture into the emotional cage one was at first hand trying to stay out of to disagree with the movie on how it was done you don't understand history or ones mind during all this. She lost more than her title she lost her husband, a President that still has the hearts of millions even after his time. She was a Kennedy and she fell into the family names curse. To live such life you know nothing of what that is like. Natalie Portman is amazing! Well done!
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Rachel N.
25 sánzá ya míbalé 2017
The acting is superb, but I have to say that for the first time in MY LIFE, I had to stop watching a movie because of the musical score. The music gave me an instant headache and I actually felt motion sick. The music, in my opinion, is too loud and overpowers and upstages (in a bad way) everything that is going on in the movie. I'm trying to focus and BAM, loud crazy, psycho shrill acoustics. Just horrible. I would be delighted to watch this movie without the music, if that were ever possible.
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