Jeepers Creepers Reborn

2022 • 87 minutu
24 iritzi
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Chase and Laine head to the Horror Hound festival and as the blood-soaked event builds to a frenzy, Laine experiences disturbing, unearthly premonitions forewarning that The Creeper is returning once again after 23 years.

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24 iritzi
Fernando Mt
2022(e)ko urriaren 19(a)
Oh lord, I’ve never made a movie but what was this?! Lmao CGI was so bad you’d think everything was made by a film student having 500 bucks for a full length movie. The acting was bad but by far the worst part is the Creeper. You can tell it’s a costume. The whole thing feels like a YouTube horror short but a bad one. The only cool thing I thought was seen the Creeper wake up but still not worth your money or time. Sorry
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reaper1 dragneel
2022(e)ko urriaren 15(a)
This was just awful. I understand that the covid pandemic struck when this movie was being filmed, however the story was awful. And above all else the jump scare scenes and the supposed "scary" parts well its easy to say not scary at all. They tried introducing a cult that secretly worshipped the creature and that they were feeding it. Not to mention the opening remake of the first movie was terrible and my personal favorite the ending. A what the moment the girls eyes changing to PITCH BLACK?
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Alex Nervo
2022(e)ko urriaren 14(a)
I was wondering why the week after it being shown at the cinema it was on Play for $6.99, now I know, and I agree that it's by far the worst one of the four. So much green screen I believe it was shot all in one room. the Creeper looked the "wish" version of the good old one. No plot, terrible acting, don't bother.
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