Rochelle Sassbug
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Wanted some campy fun, but the narration The narrator is absolutely insufferable. The dialogue is equally bad....the movie wants to have a point but like its main character, is too mean and badly sketched out to care about. Trying too hard, thinking sarcasm is enough to make a black comedy.
Brooke Barton
If this movie had come out post the #metoo movement people would have had a better understanding of the feminist approach Diablo Cody and Karyn Kusama took through the drama of being a teenage girl. This is an all encompassing TAKE YOUR POWER BACK film for the ladies. The duplexity of the title alone should give you some clue as to what you are in for; taking on opposite meanings for the sexes. Its campy and funny and gory so what's not to like?
B Moure
The plot is good but everything else was horrible. Filled with horror movie clichés and bad acting. Not bad actors and actresses...just bad scripting and casting. I'm so glad I didn't buy it!! One star is being generous, I'm was tempted not to rate so I wrong have to give it a star!
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