Jersey Girl

2010年 • 102 分鐘
11 則評論
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Ollie Trinke (Ben Affleck) is a guy who seemingly has it made -- he has a great job and he's madly in love with his wife, Gertrude (Jennifer Lopez). Ollie is excited about the fact he and Gertrude are soon to become parents, but his joy turns to despair when Gertrude dies in childbirth. He and his newborn daughter, Gertie, soon move to New Jersey to live with his father, Bart (George Carlin). Juggling his career with single parenthood proves to be more than Ollie can manage, and he's soon fired. Unable to find work, Ollie eventually takes a dead-end job, and devotes himself to his daughter as he retreats from his own life. But after frequent visits to the local video store, he strikes up a friendship with Maya (Liv Tyler), a pretty girl who works behind the counter. As Ollie finally begins to come out of his shell, he's offered a chance to move back into the music industry, but he realizes that would mean moving back to Manhattan -- and Gertie (Raquel Castro), now seven years old, makes it clear she doesn't want to go


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