
2016年 • 94 分钟
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On Judgement Day, Hell shall inherit the earth. Two American girls on vacation follow a mysterious anthropology student on a trip to Jerusalem. The party is cut short when the trio are caught in the middle of a biblical apocalypse. Trapped between the ancient walls of the holy city, the three travellers must survive long enough to find a way out as the fury of hell is unleashed upon them.


Will Matthews
It's okay. Not great but okay. If you're a 'found footage' or in this case 'filmed on fake but reasonably convincing Google Glass footage(with in incredible battery life)' phobic, you might want to give it a miss. The good? The special effects work well, the setting, having been to Jerusalem, was very very good, but interacting with all that was the actors: Where the decidedly 'iffy' starts. The two best actors are the reasonably interesting two IDF soldiers, who were actually quite good. The film could have done more with them but doesn't. The other actors are bimbo's faking sweetness and light. Badly. The plot and script needs tightening up too. With a bit more work, bit more tiding up, it could have been brilliant. But isn't.
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William Liu
Right off the bat we now know Google glass can recognise the undead (somehow) and secondly screaming girls, I was literally yelling at the screen telling em to shut it as for jump scares there isn't, why? Because it's all in the trailers, I'd rather watch sicario again and that was pretty boring
Anthony Rhodes
Warning!! this biblical inaccurate, horrifically acted dribble, can only be described as incessant sobbing mixed with the writers inate compulsion to completely ignore human behaviour and emotion to a level where the only emotion worth note is the absolute disappointment and sense of wasted time felt by the watcher. Minus stars should be offered on this review.
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