
2017 • 91 minut
13 recenzí
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Zvuk ani titulky nejsou k dispozici ve vašem jazyce. Dostupné jazyky titulků: Angličtina.

O tomto filmu

Bodies are turning up around the city, each having met a uniquely gruesome demise. As the investigation proceeds, evidence points to one man: John Kramer. But how can this be? The man known as Jigsaw has been dead for over a decade.

Hodnocení a recenze

13 recenzí
Stephen Jacewicz
22. srpna 2021
3 and a half out of 5. It focuses alittle much on the investigation more then the horrors that the victims in the farm go through making it feel slow. I knew how this ended in a sense and never saw the full original or the other films but saw clips and still felt disturbed by the story of this and even certain traps. I guess like the other ones, this is neat to watch if you like the Escape Room movies by Sony.
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Joseph Tutorials
8. srpna 2021
Jigsaw Was a good reboot of the Saw Franchise Jigsaw did a lot of things I liked the Characters are good I care for the victims and for Logan until the ending comes The traps were interesting in this movie definitely Mitch trap specifically John was not really in this movie I was expecting he was gonna be in it a lot longer he is mainly in the third act the ending to this movie is too much for a reboot Logan helping Jigsaw makes no since once again like Hoffman in Saw IV this movie was going really good until that happened the movie lost me when that happened Saw Does this in all their movies and it hurts it I don't get that it hurts the movie they still haven't learned Ryan was a most interesting character for me where I was wondering why does he act like that does get explained a little bit So Jigsaw has likable characters the story is not good at all but If u are a fan of these movies you will have a good time and enjoy your self so I give Jigsaw An B-
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Nicholas Gieschen III (NG3)
5. března 2023
Not the best movie in the Saw franchise, but a nice addition and continuation of the story. The fact the they went back further than the First saw film and gave a back story is an interesting twist.
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