
2014 • 127 minutu
161 iritzi
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Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan dago erabilgarri audioa: ingelesa.

Film honi buruz

Ashton Kutcher is Steve Jobs, the iconic Apple innovator and groundbreaking entrepreneur. This inspiring and entertaining film chronicles Jobs' early days as a college dropout, to his rise as the co-founder of Apple Computer Inc. and forced departure from the company. More than a decade later, Jobs returns and single-handedly sets a course that will turn the once-tiny startup into one of the world's most valuable companies. His epic journey blazes a trail that changes technology - and the world - forever. JOBS is a riveting story of a true American visionary, a man who let nothing stand in the way of greatness. Co-starring Dermot Mulroney, Josh Gad, J.K. Simmons and Matthew Modine.

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161 iritzi
Mark Skilton
2014(e)ko irailaren 9(a)
As an avid IT guy I enjoyed this film but the many comments about Ashton Kutcher performance is unfortunately true and at times turns the scenes from profetic technology game changing moments to struggling actor lacking the gravitas to do it justice. Alas this begins from the first 5 minutes with "Jobs" trying to announce the ipod to his denizens and it goes downwards from there. Hope the Freddie Mercury Biopic doesnt stultify in a similar fashion.
Rebecca Charlson
2017(e)ko apirilaren 15(a)
Watched while doing a bike ride (at home!) As something to pass the time. That is all it did. Learned some things about jobs. But of my his field of work doesn't interest you. Don't waste time on it.
Adam Richardson-Carroll
2014(e)ko ekainaren 2(a)
Like i say, great film, Ashton Kutcher has done his reaserch on the real late steve jobs... so if you have a passion for apple, and want to know the history of how and why they are what they are. Watch this film!...