
2019 • 121 minút
73 recenzií
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Tento film

“Joker” centers around the iconic arch-nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. The exploration of Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix), a man disregarded by society, is not only a gritty character study, but also a broader cautionary tale.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

73 recenzií
Lung Two
16. februára 2020
People rating this 5 stars and calling others normies because they are sheep and want to look cool. Its an overly edgy movie that appeals to impressionable teenagers or adults who act like teenagers. The overall message is just cliche and not interesting, and although I got to see Arthur's downward spiral into the joker (which was why I watched). They wrote it in a way that makes it overly predictable and borderline irritating. Don't be fooled, this isn't as good as what your friends say.
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Dominic Toretto
7. januára 2020
Omg what a sleepy movie and playstore selling it for such a exorbitant price!? Watched it in cinema and i fell asleep 40 minutes into the movie. Hope playstore don't delete my comment.
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Lazarus Guan
6. apríla 2020
I am rating this 5 stars because the comments I've read so far totally portrays the crazy world that turned Arthur Franklin into the Joker. It probably takes a disturbed mind to understand a disturbed mind, just as what the Joker illustrated near the end of the movie. People just don't bother to understand and then write people off as "clowns". I think the movie bring that point out very well. I feel a sense of liberation as Arthur embrace his identity and take up the name, Joker. When order serves to oppress and outcast the the good and under privileged, a symbol will rise and brings chaos to crush that order. In this case, it's the Joker. And when chaos threatens the well-being of the innocent, a symbol will rise to bring order to the time of chaos. In that case, it was Batman. It's nothing new actually. This cycle has been repeating itself throughout human history for thousands of years. This movie is indeed a precautionary tale. In a movie, the thoughts of Arthur Franklin is laid bare. But in real life, you can never tell how disturbed the mind of the person you are oppressing and/or bullying and/or taking advantage of is. Learn to be nice, or you might end up creating a Joker in your life.
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