
2019 • 121 minút
5,38 tis. recenzií
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Tento film

“Joker” centers around the iconic arch-nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. The exploration of Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix), a man disregarded by society, is not only a gritty character study, but also a broader cautionary tale.

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5,38 tis. recenzií
Clark Cummins
5. októbra 2020
I was skeptical because of the academy award. It took three times to finish watching this turd. It was just painfully depressing. Nothing more. I never felt myself feeling bad for this Joker. The only good part of the movie was when Deniro got shot in the face. I think the goal of the movie was to make the financially elite look like the enemy. Unfortunately, since the liberal politicians run it kind of backfires. But the simple minded will ignore that point.
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Frank Rillotta
12. januára 2020
I dont know which I'm more upset about. Not getting a refund of my money or not getting the 2 hours of my life back. Every possible anti-hero trope you can think of you can find in The Joker. You know the story and have essentially seen the movie before you actually sit down and watch the movie. It's practically a feel good movie for the average SJW, and if your looking to pick up new ways to be edgy it also serves as a how to guide. Save your money and time and wait until it's on basic cable.
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Джастин Шевченка
28. apríla 2020
There are beautiful elements to this film: camera work, musical score, acting... but not direction and certainly not the script. The story telling had no pace and there was plenty of time to resolve some critical things about this character that were just ignored/avoided. Don't ask me to sit through another two hours of skinny Joaquin smoking to learn how he becomes a criminal mastermind. His motivation could have been established in 45min.
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