Jack Leeming
If your looking for a Dark Knight apperance or a 'Sucidal' Squad Go and watch something else. But if you are after the twists, toils and tears of joy, I insist you watch this. Before comparing this movie to most of DC's fan base. Try to be outside of the box, more of a? Jack Nicholson perfoming in 'The one that flew over the cuckoo's nest' sombre. It is without a shadow of doubt that Joaquin Phoenix has displayed split personalities, psychosis and child like tendencies to the role. It's poetry
80 kişi bu yorumu faydalı buldu
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Yes it was dark, disturbing, depressing. However that does not make an enjoyable film. It didn't entertain or educate or enlighten. There were no new questions that it raises, its themes are common and shallow. It just depresses and gets real old real fast.
36 kişi bu yorumu faydalı buldu
Frank Fenu
The most boring movie almost ever, watched 50 mins and counld not go further. Dont listen to good reviews about the movie as they must be fake. 1 out of 5, good movie to sleep on the couch, so boring.