Set in Thrissur, the movie revolves around the family of Mukesh, focusing on the relationship between Mukesh and his son (Dulquer Salmaan). Mukesh is very fond of his son but Dulquer shows lack of responsibility. Dulquer falls in love with Anupama Parameswaran. Mukesh tries all his means to instill responsibility in Dulquer but in vain. Once Dulquer makes a wrong investment in business and it becomes a loss. Meanwhile, a financial catastrophe befalls Mukesh which makes him lose his property and is evicted from his house. Dulquer is forced to terminate his relationship with Anupama due to the financial constraints. He started working as a salesman in a Textile Company where he befriends Aishwarya Rajesh, an accountant in a textile manufacturing company he happens to visit on business. Dulquer takes his experiences in life as Gospels. How Dulquer Salmaan comes out of this plight successfully is the rest of the movie.
Yoshga oid cheklov
PG (faqat kattalar bilan)