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Jumanji (1995)

1995 • 104 daqiqa
2,35 ming ta sharh
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Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: chex, grek, inglizcha, inglizcha (Buyuk Britaniya), italyan, ivrit, polyakcha, rumincha, ruscha, slovakcha, slovencha, tay, turk, venger, xitoy (anʼanaviy), xitoy (soddalashgan) va xorvat.

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A mysterious game transports its players to the jungles of Jumanji! Thrilling effects!(Original Title - Jumanji (1995)) © 1995 TriStar Pictures, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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2,35 ming ta sharh
gabisile mbatha
15-may, 2020
I like this move because it's making me to be scared sister in the baby sister so she's looking she's busy not She's Scared this is not like leaving me alone you seen so I don't know how to how what I'm going to do because of his busy hiding me and she blocked my things because of you so scared that I saw her scared movie I don't know what is happening to her this movie is a scary movie ever like I think was just talking Talking Animals yeah yeah guys be careful dream-come-true guy's dream come
184 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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Priscila Duarte
6-sentabr, 2020
Jajaja algunos dicen que aprovecharse del actor es otra cosa y ustedes estan aprovechandose jaja todo vale, hasta el yogurt vale nosotros valemos y mucho y no vale aprovecharse del actor diciendo q descanse en paz y dicen por q no hiciero para ver gratis la pelicula. Jajajajajajaja. Son estupidos o que les pasa. Pobrecito Macaulay
Buni foydasi tegdimi? rodriguez
13-avgust, 2014
Y hacer reclame por su muerte y vender sus peliculas que feo podrian haber echo un tributo para la gente para verlas gratis . Todo no es dinero es un ejemplo . Que en paz descanse este gran actor saludos de los chilenos
692 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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