Jupiter Ascending

2015. • 127 minuta
1,37 hilj. recenzija
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O ovom filmu

From the streets of Chicago to far flung galaxies whirling through space, Jupiter Ascending is a science fiction epic adventure that follows the downtrodden Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis -- Black Swan), who's destined for greatness. When a genetically engineered ex-military hunter Caine (Channing Tatum -- Magic Mike) tracks her down, she starts to glimpse the fate waiting for her all along -- her genetic signature marking her as next in line for an extraordinary inheritance that could alter the balance of the cosmos. Lana and Andy Wachowski (The Matrix films, Cloud Atlas) take us on another visionary journey into the unknown. Also starring Sean Bean (Game of Thrones), Eddie Redmayne (Les Misérables) and Douglas Booth (Noah), this sci-fi thrill-ride will expand your universe. The battle for our world begins with her.

Ocjene i recenzije

1,37 hilj. recenzija
G Hall
25. juli 2015.
How did this ever get financed? Is not even comically bad like Armageddon. Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum look plain embarrassed. Eddie Redmayne takes overacting to a whole new level, he is a disaster and like scratching nails down a blackboard. The rest is derivative drivel. The first Matrix was a fluke as these directors haven't made a decent film since.
8 osoba smatra ovu recenziju korisnom
Nicky Stevenson
3. juli 2015.
You are kind of thown into this film and left to guess the plot, until its all explained halfway through. Action scenes were good but could have been better, to much going on for the normal human naked eye to take in unless you play it on slow motion. For 2 A listers to play in this...... sorry your acting was rubbish.(would have expected better) And finally the ending was weak.
Googleov korisnik
4. septembar 2015.
A strange & naive cross between the Flash Gordon film, the original b/w Buck Rodgers serial, Barbarella (but with no sex or humour), the Silver Surfer, out-takes from The Fifth Element, scenes from Ursula Andress's She & stills from a Boris Vellejo fantasy art book. The SFX & the painted backdrops used in the film are dire, the acting is wooden, the characterisation non existent, the attempt at humour sporadic & awkward, the plot ridiculous & the direction amateurish. Apart from that it was awful.