Kenzi Mcswain
Looking for a movie to watch late at night, on a date night at home, or just because you’re bored? Just Go with It is a perfect choice! This film checks off all of the criteria that makes a movie or show worth watching. The producers did a great job at enforcing comedy throughout the entire film. The film also presents multiple romantic relationships within the characters. What movie is interesting without a little romance? The film has a very interesting plot because the characters are continuously faced with tasks they have to take part in in order to cover up their fake lives. Just Go with It has a very interesting plot, or storyline, that makes this movie very enjoyable to watch. In a New York Times review, A.O. Scott states, “And the story, derived by the screenwriters Allan Loeb and Timothy Dowling, from two stage plays by way of I. A. L. Diamond’s ‘Cactus Flower’ script, contains enough pure farce to generate momentum and surprise” (Scott, paragraph 5). Danny, a plastic surgeon, wears a wedding ring and tells a made up story about his terrible marriage in order to pick up girls. One night he falls for a girl named Palmer, but she finds his wedding ring. Instead of telling her the truth, he tells her the made up story about his soon to be ex-wife, Devlin. She insists on meeting this fake wife, so Danny begs his assistant Katherine and her children to play the part of his fake wife and kids. Danny also tells Palmer that Devlin cheated on him with a man named Dolph, who is played by Danny’s cousin, Eddie. The six of them go on a vacation to Hawaii. One night, Danny and Katherine run into Katherine’s frenemy from college, Devlin, and her husband Ian. Katherine doesn’t want Devlin to know that she’s divorced with two kids, so she makes up a lie that she and Danny are married with two children. During the whole trip, Danny, Katherine, Eddie, and the kids have to pretend to live these fake lives in order to hide their true identities from Palmer, the real Devlin, and Ian. Comedy is essential to making a film or television show worth watching. Even the most serious movies or shows have at least some comedic relief. When someone sees the intro of Sunny Productions before watching a movie, like Just Go with It, they know it’s not going to be boring. A scene that never fails to make the audience laugh is when Danny, played by Adam Sandler, sees a patient who has very uneven eyebrows. Everytime he lowers her eyebrow, it springs back up, almost touching her hair line. We’re all familiar with the iconic, slow motion entrance shown in many films accompanied by some kind of upbeat song. Danny and his fake wife and children are making their slow motion entrance into J.J. Mcfunnigans. Out of nowhere, a little boy runs across the screen with his pregnant mother chasing after him. The boy turns around and launches his drink on his mother’s pregnant belly, also in slow motion. Danny and his fake family’s faces go from serious to shocked and laughing, breaking the whole “iconic entrance.” In a New York Times review, A.O. Scott claims that the scene of Danny, his girlfriend Palmer, and “Devlin” at the restaurant’s dinner table is one the film’s most “lively and successful comic set pieces” (Scott, paragraph 4). Romance is another essential criteria that must be met in order for a film to be successful. Just Go with It is a rom-com that involves a love triangle between Danny, his girlfriend Palmer, and his assistant, Katherine. Danny and Palmer have a very romantic scene the night they met and fell for each other on the beach. With the sounds of the waves in the background, the two shared a lovely conversation about their lives and values. During everyone’s trip in Hawaii, Danny and Katherine, aka “Devlin,” spend a lot of time together. While pretending to be a happily married couple at dinner one night with the real Devlin and Ian, Danny and Katherine were told to look each other in the eyes and say what they love about one another.