Just Mercy

2020 • 137 minut
1,3 tis. recenzí
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O tomto filmu

„Obhájce Nevinných“ je silný pravdivý příběh k zamyšlení, který sleduje mladého právníka Bryana Stevensona (Jordan) a jeho bitvu za spravedlnost, která vstoupí do historie. Po absolvování Harvardu si Bryan mohl vybírat z lukrativních pracovních nabídek. Místo toho se ale vydává do Alabamy, aby s pomocí místní obhájkyně Evy Ansleyové (Larsonová) hájil neprávem odsouzené nebo ty, kterým nebylo poskytnuto řádné zastoupení. Jedním z jeho prvních a nejvíce pobuřujících případů se stane případ Waltera McMilliana (Foxx), který byl v roce 1987 odsouzen k smrti za notoricky známou vraždu osmnáctileté dívky, a to i přes převažující důkazy o jeho nevině a skutečnost, že proti němu svědčil pouze zločinec s motivem ke lži. V následujících letech se Bryan při obhajobě Waltera a jemu podobných zaplétá do labyrintu právních a politických pletich a otevřeného a nestoudného rasismu, kdy štěstí ani systém nestojí na jejich straně.

Hodnocení a recenze

1,3 tis. recenzí
Jean Luc Pressoir
3. června 2020
This movie is a story changer to everywhere across the United States and so on beyond around the world mostly for black people to change those different paths. Being a black person is one of the hardest parts to appear in the open world wherever you are hoping for equality among whites and other races to live in peace and respective not to never be targeted. Darkness within you is who come after you because of your skin color's such darker than the white people just living of hate and fear don't even care if you're a human being only a nothing they see. No police officer shouldn't have the right or their call to be Judge, Jury, and Executioner on mostly people of color. No one serves to be treated like a criminal or being called an animal just because you're different as anybody else around anywhere you live.
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Faelyn Wolf
7. června 2020
Movies like this are so desperately needed. Whites,like myself, often take the legal system for granted. We say things like, if you're innocent you have nothing to fear. We are wrong. In the US African-Americans are often railroaded though our "justice" system. When it comes to it they are more often pushed through what might as well be kangaroo courts. This film is an emotional retelling of the real life events surrounding Bryan Stevenson and Walter "Johnny D." McMillian. It was one of the best purchases I've made this year and I sincerely hope that people across the world, in these times of civil unrest will take a couple hours and watch this. I hope that social science teachers, instructors, professors, et all, will consider showing this film to their classes when discussing racism, how it affects the legal system, and that we can fight it and win.
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Joanne Goodman
26. června 2020
I found this movie after watching an old 60 minutes story on the man this movie is based on. I loved this movie, because I love Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx did a great job. I love to see these men doing films that mean something. (I've been a huge Michael B. Jordan fan since he played Oscar Grant). The man in this movie was a lucky one. He was only in jail for 6 years. There are SOOOO many black men in the south that will NEVER get out. Many aren't that lucky (There's one man in the mid-west serving a life sentence for stealing a leather jacket in the 70's or 80's) The justice system is anything but.
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