Liga da Justiça

2017年 • 119分
574 件のレビュー
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Impulsionados pela sua fé na humanidade e inspirados pelo altruísmo do Superman, Bruce Wayne solicita a ajuda de sua nova aliada, Diana Prince, para enfrentar um inimigo ainda maior. Juntos, Batman e Mulher-Maravilha trabalham rapidamente para encontrar e recrutar uma equipe de meta-humanos a fim de enfrentarem essa ameaça recém-despertada. Porém, apesar da formação dessa liga de heróis sem precedentes — Batman, Mulher-Maravilha, Aquaman, Ciborgue e o Flash — talvez seja tarde demais para salvar o planeta de um ataque de proporções catastróficas.


574 件のレビュー
Mr SuperPastel
An embarrassment of a movie, the result of poor leadership and honestly chilsidh movie executives. They really messed this movie up by wasting so much money trying to make something it wasn't supposed to be and the result was horrendous, not only that but in the meanest way to the director who had lost his daughter. They literally used a child death as an excuse to change a movie, what the hell has Hollywood become.
Filme ruim, mas tem boas atuações, Batman horrendo e com roupa feiosa também, o Superman é muito exagerado e o do Reeve continua sendo melhor, vilão fraco, filme fraco, não percam tempo com esse filme!
Ian Somerhalder
BEING SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE IS NOT BY SITTING AND WATCHING OTHERS MAKE THE RIGHTFUL DECISION AND INVEST TODAY AND YOU WILL NEVER REGRET YOU DID!*👌🏽👌🏽 *YOUR ABILITY TO TRY NEW THINGS, AND NOT PROCRASTINATE IS WHAT DIFFERENTIATE THE NARROW MINDED FROM THE WISE!* Success is not a game of luck. It's a game of mental and physical work. If you do nothing, you get nothing 👉 Success doesn't just come to those who believe. It comes to those who believe and ACT wisely Put your doubts aside, inves
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