Justin Bieber: Never Say Never

2011年 • 105 分钟
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Justin Bieber's odds were a million to one, until millions of fans found him online. Now his world is yours with Never Say Never, the "riveting and inspiring" story of his journey from average teen to the youngest performer to sell out the most famous stage in New York City.


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People who say he sucks, without reasoning, besides the fact of the crimes he's done in the PAST, (which don't matter anymore because you can't change what's in the past, honestly, find new reasons to hate him!), I really don't understand how you can say that. Yes, he's made mistakes.. more than what others probably do, but, he's human. So are we. Nobody is perfect. Nobody will ever be perfect. You don't have to like him, or the movie, just have some damn respect for him. Michael Jackson was famous from a very young age as well, but, he did do drugs, he did hold a baby by a leg over a balcony, so, Justin Bieber drag racing, that's not that surprising. Him doing some stuff like that, it's not surprising, actually. Most young stars end up with problems later in life, leading to people like this hating them.
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Garrick Borrough
Somehow, delusive teens and sickeningly enough, mothers somehow still like him to this day. How do you ignore the crimes he has done, yet say so much to people who cite truth? Ignorance, it's amazing. Reality check, you're why he's famous, you're why he's spoiled. You can only look at him with the view you project onto him. That is why you love him so much. Get friends and a mental check up. It's unhealthy to be a corruption of a believer. But of course, who'd fight it? It's paradise, no?
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Lexi Emery
Dora girls the place on the server always be my life he will believe Justin Bieber always my love did you make it all Scripture he would not happy he got deep deep footballers moment I don't worry is his farm and out you know I am Pakistan Justin Bieber and I was a little better he is little pink he is not but he is nice tentacle feel I love the music look like and now girls is packed you are not doing C la and now here's a very very nice my name is Lexie I'm bigger stickers fair see you later I was a beautiful human I am 20 look like