G.I. JOE: Snake Eyes

2021 • 121 minut
237 recenzí
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O tomto filmu

Odhalte původ kultovního hrdiny filmu G.I. JOE: SNAKE EYES (Henry Golding), v tomto akcí nabitém dobrodružství, které vás udrží v neustálém napětí. SNAKE EYES je přijat do starobylého japonského klanu ARASHIKAGE poté, co zachránil život jejich dědici STORMU SHADOWOVI (Andrew Koji), a zapojuje se do boje proti teroristické skupině COBRA. Dotlačen až k hranici svých možností se SNAKE EYES stává špičkovým bojovníkem nindža. Když však vyjdou najevo tajemství z jeho minulosti, jeho čest a věrnost budou podrobeny zkoušce, i kdyby to mělo znamenat ztrátu všeho, za co bojoval. Dále hrají Úrsula Corberó jako BARONKA a Samara Weavingová jako SCARLETT.

Hodnocení a recenze

237 recenzí
Jason ThatJason
20. srpna 2021
This movie focuses on some contrived nonsense which was not even part of the original mythology of this character. Absolutely nothing about this movie resembles Snake-Eyes whatsoever. The Asian influences are extremely extremely overplayed. This was very obviously written by someone who did not grow up with this franchise and simply concocted a script based on "Ninja stuff". Let's redo this movie and get it right. Which means changing the title of this movie to something else.
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1. listopadu 2021
I dont mind the switch in characters, that happens all of the time today. What I do care about is that Snake Eyes is an adult with a child's mentaltity, is never in the suit, and just like the new star wars movies-doesnt seem to need any training whatsoever to become knowledgable in the way of the clan. His ''ninja'' skills are barely there, the agility and flexibility of the character is seriously missing. I am so happy all I did was rent this movie so I didn't waste more money.
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Brutus (Blake)
28. srpna 2021
The movie had almost nothing to do with the real snake eyes. The only accurate piece was the fact he and storm shadow trained with the ninjas. But it wasn't supposed to be "way of the dragon" defy physics. If I could unsee this I would be much happier. I rather look forward to a good movie I never get to see then remember a second of this story. If you forgot what you went to see and just enjoyed the Chinese atmosphere of it then it's a good movie and I enjoyed it.
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