하우 투 겟 어헤드 인 애드버타이징

1989년 • 90분
청소년 관람불가
사용할 수 없는 항목입니다.

영화 정보

Two years after the release of Withnail and I, Richard E. Grant and writer-director Bruce Robinson reunited for a savage attack on Thatcher’s Britain and advertising culture. Denis Dimbleby Bagley (Grant) is an ad executive plunged into a nervous breakdown whilst working on a campaign for pimple cream. A boil develops on his neck, but this isn’t any ordinary boil: soon it develops eyes, ears, a moustache and a mind of its own… Bolstered by Grant’s towering performance with another word-perfect script from Robinson, How to Get Ahead in Advertising is… spot on!
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