Sam Dobson
Please don't watch it, it will only encourage them. First film was good, nice bit of fun and well made. This one is just really poor, genuinely wish I could unwatch it (and I don't say that about many films - just this and Expendables 2!). The jokes aren't funny, the plot isn't great and overall it just comes off as a film that thinks it's making really insightful comments on society and being hilarious but it's actually just very awkward and boring.
8 people found this review helpful
les Rowlands
Some parts could have been better like shooting blindly into a panel van, she could have killed kickass and what was he doing when the goon was shooting through the roof at Mindy, George Shelley in union j is from my neck of the woods.
Matt Humphries
I don't understand the negative reviews on here? What were they expecting, a best picture nomination at the Oscars?? It's Kick-Was for Christ sake! Lots of violence, lots of humour and a twisted comic style storyline. There's a little bit more girl power focus with Mindy in this one that may upset the arrogant misogynists out there but it's not a bad comic book movie, especially when you think about the repeatedly cloned and lifeless format of recent Marvel movies nowadays...