Kill Command

2016 • 99 minut
127 recenzí
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Zvuk ani titulky nejsou k dispozici ve vašem jazyce. Dostupné jazyky zvuku: Angličtina.

O tomto filmu

Set in the very near future, an elite squad of highly trained marines, led by commanding officer Captain Bukes, are sent on a routine training exercise to a remote island, from which all communications have been cut off. Accompanying them on the mission is 'tech head' Specialist Mills, a mysterious coder whose brain is interfaced with a computer. When they reach the island, the unit soon discover they are not alone and the exercise is far from routine. They become live targets of terrifyingly advanced military robots and begin to suspect that Mills is somehow involved in the conspiracy. But without the help of Mill's technology, they know they won't survive.

Hodnocení a recenze

127 recenzí
Seán Wilson
15. května 2016
Despite being stupidly expensive to rent I thought I'd give it a try. Unfortunately this film falls down the same route as Universal films: trying to make up for a terrible script with lots of action and CGI. The effects team have done a fantastic job, but have unfortunately wasted their talent on yet another generic movie script with zero depth or emotional connection to the characters and story. Don't waste your time and money on this generic garbage.
5 lidí si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná
Matt Chapman
29. července 2016
Not bad at all. It's dumb, but it's good fun to watch if you are into the "crazy AI" trope at all. The story isn't amazing, but the effects are great. As a Sci-Fi fan, I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you aren't much of a Sci-Fi fan, or prefer a film that requires a bit of thought, give it a miss. If you want something with explosions and evil robots that doesn't ask much of you to enjoy it, then by all means - it is very much worth a rent!
Matthew Dobbs
12. července 2016
Reminiscent of the umberella corporation, falling skies, terminator and dog soldiers. Good sfx, predictable storyline but the acting is ok. Watch once i guess!