King Richard

2021 • 144 minutos
11 recensións
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Acerca desta película

Based on the true story that will inspire the world, “King Richard” follows the journey of Richard Williams, an undeterred father instrumental in raising two of the most extraordinarily gifted athletes of all time, who will end up changing the sport of tennis forever. Driven by a clear vision of their future and using unconventional methods, Richard has a plan that will take Venus and Serena Williams from the streets of Compton, California to the global stage as legendary icons. “King Richard” is a profoundly moving film that shows the power of family, perseverance and unwavering belief as a means to achieve the impossible and impact the world.

Valoracións e recensións

11 recensións
Aaryavi Bisht
11 de xuño de 2022
love it. Respect 🫡
Willy Mushy
13 de maio de 2022
I love will Smith
Robert Kamunya
30 de xaneiro de 2022
So hot