King's Ransom

2005 • 97 minutos
41 recensións
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Acerca desta película

Anthony Anderson plays millionare Malcolm King who gets wrapped up in a true mess when he plans his own kidnapping to avoid paying a divorce settlement. Unfortunately for Malcolm, everything falls apart when he's not the only one in on the plot! Watch and see who finally gets away with King's Ransom!

Valoracións e recensións

41 recensións
23 de xullo de 2016
This movie was incredibly funny and entertaining. Not just mindless one liners and dumb physical stuff, it was very well put together with an excellent story.
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Jean Luc Pressoir
19 de febreiro de 2020
Anyone who's looking to get a millions of dollars at any cost just one person to come after is Malcolm King. I'm loving King's Ransom it's funny and interest to watch all the time. Looking at Chicago is a lot like seeing Gotham City and Wayne Enterprises as Malcolm King is a black urban version of Bruce Wayne
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Maliek Colford
27 de decembro de 2019
My Favorite Movie
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