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Kingsman: The Secret Service

2015 • 128 минут
13,8 тыс. отзыва
Рейтинг Rotten Tomatoes
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Информация о фильме

Based upon the acclaimed comic book and directed by Matthew Vaughn (Kick Ass, X-Men First Class), the film tells the story of a suave, old-school British superspy who recruits an unrefined but promising street kid into his agency’s ultra-competitive training program just as a global threat emerges from a twisted American entrepreneur.

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13,8 тыс. отзыва
Lerry Gutierrez
20 июля 2015 г.
I don't know why some people like this. Plot is very predictable, horrible acting and needless violence. If you are looking for violent type of action film, watch Tarantino's Kill Bill instead. If you say it has a good plot, check out The Skin I Live In by Almodovar. Lastly, 0 for cinematography. That concludes my review.
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Domenico Crovetto
5 июля 2015 г.
Exessive? Yes. Violent? Yup. Using these elements on purpose? Definitely. I think some peope fail to realize the violence was actually put on there for a reason. To me it was a movie for the sole purpose of entertainment, which doesn't need to be a bad thing to begin with. Everything was exagerated, yes, but I think it added excitement to the movie and I thought that was nice. It makes fun of both British and American culture but also shows the good side of both.
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1 сентября 2015 г.
There is a cliché that the european aristocracy developed weak chins as a sign of in breeding. The chin was a genetic trait that continued because they continued inter-marrying (no-one wanted their children to marry beneath their station but all options were already related) and no other dominant feature could be introduced. Firth's character made the comment to push Caine's character to accept a candidate from outside the normal pool to avoid inherent weaknesses. He was also calling Caine's character out
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