Kong: Ostrov lebek

2017 • 118 minút
101 recenzií
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Tento film

Když vědecká expedice na nezmapovaný ostrov probudí obří přírodní sílu, stane se z objevitelské výpravy děsivý boj mezi příšerou a lidmi. V tomto úžasném a originálním dobrodružství, které odhaluje, jak se z Konga stal King Kong, účinkují Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, Brie Larson, John Goodman a John C. Reilly.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

101 recenzií
Leah Vandeway
13. júna 2021
There was too much blood, but i get it, they are on an island with a giant ape. There's bound to be lots of injuries & death. And king Kong wasn't the only monster. That's a bit extreme. I can understand one monster. But the graphics & special effects were great!
10 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
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Nichole Marie
23. apríla 2022
Love it! This movie is exactly what it appears to be: an action adventure with King Kong as its lead. Also, Tom Hiddleston. The only negative for me is Brie Larson. Can't stand her. A fun watch, looks great, and good music.
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Morgan Burdick
26. júna 2021
I enjoyed it to be honest Monster movie aren't really my cup of tea but I sat and watched it all the way through and loved it. I mean there was a few cheesey lines that they could've done without but it was good enough I didn't really mind.
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